All my friends are wasted
All my friends are wasted

Did you know we had our first date here? I should text Magnus.’” He says this in what could be construed as an impression of Alec but sounds more like a sappy teenager - which, certainly sounds like his lovesick Alexander. “He’s away from you for one night, and it’s all, ‘I miss Magnus. “Nothing about you is straight, darling,” Magnus teases. He swings forward and has to catch himself on the back of a chair. “Not so straight laced now,” Alec proclaims triumphantly. Magnus banishes away the mess before Jace has the chance to tear his good trash bags. “He had two martinis and a round of tequila shots, and now he’s trashed,” Jace answers as he crouches down beside Alec and sweeps the shards into a dustpan. “We closed off- closed out Hunter’s Moon,” Alec hiccups, and it seems to require a tremendous amount of focus for him to spit that out. “What’s going on? It’s three in the morning.” Alec’s surrounded by a pile of shattered glass, and Jace seems to be gesturing for him to stay put. “Who dares disturb the High Warlock of- Jace? Alec?” Magnus deflates as soon as he finds his boyfriend and his parabatai. He storms out into the living room with a glowing energy ball at the ready. He checks the time and throws the phone into the pocket of his lounge pants - which, it’s good to know that he’s wearing pants before he storms out into the living room. He swipes across the screen and winces at the brightness.

all my friends are wasted

If it was, Magnus would have to throw out the whole damn phone and buy a new one. He picks it up and takes a breath before turning it over. It crashes to the ground with an audible thud. He finally locates it when he knocks it onto the floor.

all my friends are wasted

Magnus fumbles around on his bedside table searching for his phone. His wards hum and tingle with their usual ambivalence, so his intruder must not be malevolent. It’s a shame he was having a particularly pleasant dream about him and Alec on a private beach somewhere with very little clothing. You didn’t get to be centuries old by being a light sleeper. A crash somewhere in the loft rouses Magnus.

All my friends are wasted